Earthspace Designs gardening and landscaping for the Pioneer Valley

About my work
I have been in business for over 25 years using simple machinery, remaining chemical and pesticide free, and approaching gardening with an artistic view.
How I work
I work as a medium between people and the environment to create decorative, medicinal, low-impact, animal-attractive, perennial, and vegetable gardens.
What I do
- design and layout
- compact gardens
- window boxes
- small retaining and aesthetic walls
- light construction
- stonework
- walkways
- erosion control
- raised beds
- pruning and weeding
- planting and dividing
- maintenance and long-term care
- woodlands & yards
- composts
- small ponds, streams, and other water features
- meditative garden spaces
Areas served: Northampton, Amherst, Hadley, Florence, Haydenville, Williamsburg, South Hadley, Easthampton, Ashfield, Conway, Holyoke, Sunderland, Shutesbury, Leverett, Hatfield, Goshen, Montague, Belchertown, Plainfield, Deerfield, Westhampton, Huntington, Leeds, Northfield, Gill, and much of western Massachusetts.